⌇Mentorship Program⌇

Crafting a heart-centered food forestry business can be difficult if you are not business-minded and don't know where to begin. I assist you, every step of the way, in creating the perfect structure that will help you clearly convey to clients what you offer, at prices that feel good to both of you. Weekly in-person or online meetings give you the tools and support you need to make your dreams a reality.

This program, Soul Seed sessions, is based around stepping into empowered stewardship of our Earth, shapeshifting traditional business models from destruction to regeneration, and anchoring heart-coherence within business.

Pricing is based on a sliding income scale. I believe this information should be accessible to everyone no matter your income. My goal is to plant thousands (okay, millions! 🤗) of abundant and gorgeous food forests all over world, directly or indirectly.

Let’s unify and thrive.

Clarity is a huge component of crafting any container in which you and your creativity can flourish. Crystal clear short and long-term goals are the lighthouses which shine upon us and help guide us in this magnificent life. By developing goals that excite and invigorate our minds and spirits, we give birth to a momentum that will reveal to us a plan of action in accordance with our highest needs. From here we will recognize and prioritize our wants, needs, and creative desires. We will write them down and solidify them in the physical reality.

Dream big and do not limit yourself! What does your HEART say?

My name is Ash and I love helping things grow! 🌱

In 2020, the beginning of a global pandemic, I decided to go all in and begin my own food forestry business in hopes of assisting others who carry a similar vision of crafting a more beautiful, abundant, and regenerative planet. I obtained my Permaculture Design Certification from world-renowned permaculture designer Geoff Lawton. I studied as much as I could. I made a lot of mistakes and there was a huge learning curve in the monetary and business aspects of this pursuit.

I made a commitment to myself that if I could give others the information, tools, and knowledge that helped me throughout this journey, I would!

It is in these mentorship sessions that I lay out my entire process and give you the information I wish I had from the outset of creating this heart-centered business.

The truth is, if you are devoted wholeheartedly to whatever you do in life, Life itself will be your marketing manager, and the perfect information and perfect opportunities will come abundantly. Something that worked to attract clients to me effortlessly and without any advertising at all was simple: following my heart. I love nature and I always have. I love planting trees and creating mini-worlds of fragrant blossoms, unique textures, and delicious fruits.

This is not run-of-the-mill business coaching — it is long-term, 1-on-1 symbiotic relations with those who feel the call within their hearts to work in harmony with our precious emerald planet and usher in an age of great of tranquility and abundance. This new reality is not far away, and can be upon us rapidly if we choose to step into the journey of anchoring into infinite possibility and the knowing that we are provided for.

Learn how to build a food forestry business from the ground up:

  • Client surveys, process overviews, and correct pricing is key while designing your heart-centered business. It is difficult to thrive when the general structure and expectations are unclear for you and your clients.

  • As we write, draft, design, and draw, we are actively creating the blueprints of our client’s worlds. It is important to have succinct proposals and professional designs rendered at the beginning of a project. All things are malleable, but an agreed-upon game plan is important. Budgets, timelines, and descriptions of food forest features are key information to be agreed upon early on.

  • Make connections with owners of local nurseries as well as backyard growers. This benefits you in a number of ways: many growers will offer wholesale pricing or discounts; you will always know where to get the desired plants (in bulk, etc.) creating symbiotic relationships benefits the peace of mind of everyone. Many growers will also source items you need and hold them for you. Some will even deliver!

    Basically remember, creating ironclad connections with others who share similar visions as you is incredibly important.

  • This is the greatest part — witnessing your visions be born into reality! Any hiccups during this stage can be mitigated with planning from the outset. Thorough cost analysis and design is indispensable during this stage of the project.

  • Growing what you plant is helpful for various reasons; sourcing becomes easier (you are the source!); extra income; the ability to design for rare plants which may not be available at general nurseries. This is an optional aspect of the program but one I thoroughly recommend.

Feel free to reach out with any questions or to inquire about mentorship program availability